Carl Brown Ministries

We met Reverend Carl Brown and his family in Louisiana while Chad was playing with JSM. I was initially introduced to his daughter through a mom’s group. Two years later, when Rev. Brown was looking to put out a new book and having issues with his original designer, his daughter suggested me as a viable alternative. We’ve been working together since on business cards and flyers for his ongoing “The Cross Unveiled Crusade”

Book Cover

Business Cards

Some interesting facts: I used a photo I took of Chad’s hands in a sheet to create the image of the hands of God molding Carl’s face. Using a stream of top secret effects, I morphed a photo of Rev. Brown in his earlier days in the ministry to resemble a clay sculpture taking shape.

Flyers and postcards

Every month or so Rev Brown will contact me to update his flyers for the crusade. Programs used include Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.